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Seven Sacred Chakras Selenite Charging Cleansing Square Plate 4.5"+-4.5"+-


Regarded for millennia as an emotional and metaphysical cleanser, natural Selenite helps to channel collective human consciousness and improve access to every individual’s Higher Self. By opening the Crown Chakra, Selenite works to dispel negative energies. Selenite is renounced for its purifying energy, as it naturally emanates powerful positive vibrations and heals the auric field of its users. With the highest frequency of spiritual vibration, Selenite brings the unmatched ability to integrate subconscious wisdom with the conscious mind, thereby improving users’ insight and clarity. This protective stone is even thought to improve telepathic abilities and help users to effectively examine the past and future. 



Seven Sacred Chakras Selenite


    ©2021 by healing tree herbs

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